Podcast 1 Intro to Healer Within
Learn more about The Healer Within: Using Traditional Chinese Techniques to Release Your Body’s Own Medicine by Dr. Roger Jahnke
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Podcast 1 Intro to Healer Within
Learn more about The Healer Within: Using Traditional Chinese Techniques to Release Your Body’s Own Medicine by Dr. Roger Jahnke
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Learn More in this WEBINAR Replay by Dr. Roger Jahnke about becoming a Teacher!
The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) is widely revered as the most credible Mind-Body Practice professional training and research institute outside of China. Trained — nearly 1000 Instructor/Teachers and Practice Leaders. Land mark research — including NIH funded projects. Founder/director — Dr Roger Jahnke, OMD, author of The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi. Lead author – A Comprehensive Review of the Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi, Am J of Health Promotion (AJHP). Editor of clinical chapters – Chinese Medical Qigong. The IIQTC’s Advanced Leadership Training is unparalleled internationally in empowering the graduate professional community to reach its highest potential.
Next Level One Teacher/Instructor Training: See Workshop and Training Calendar
MAILING LIST LINK – receive informative updates: https://healthaction.infusionsoft.com/app/page/emailcaptureiiqtc
Tai Chi (Tai Ji) and Qigong have mysterious, martial, healing, spiritual and esoteric roots. However, also, from the very practical contemporary point of view of healing illness, preventing disease (wellness) and neutralizing stress, Mind Body Practices — including Qigong and Tai Chi — are rapidly becoming the program of choice. Tai Chi and Qigong are among the most accessible and successful of what are now called non-pharmacological interventions (NPI) — more commonly known as mind-body practice or personal health enhancement methods. Venues include spas, fitness centers, schools and universities, social service agencies, hospitals, mental health agencies, addiction recovery programs, military bases, veterans administration facilities, faith institutions — even cruise ships.
The opportunity to teach Qigong and Tai Chi professionally is accelerating rapidly!
The research “evidence base” for Qigong and Tai Chi is very robust as noted in a recent Blog Post — a very impressive recent research literature:
Am Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) – http://instituteofintegralqigongandtaichi.org/pdfs/AJHP-Jahnke.pdf
The journal of the Am College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) — Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (MSSE) – http://tinyurl.com/3w2ey3a
At the Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) we are honored to report that we have trained nearly 1,000 teachers, instructors and practice leaders in the US, Canada, Central and South America, UK, Europe and Asia. Many of these graduates have created a full time profession, others have been supplementing their income by teaching part time and some work as volunteers for underserved populations.
At the IIQTC we believe in and advocate for the fact that the human race has much more power than is being expressed and that Qigong and Tai Chi are ancient powertools for assisting modern society in recovering the power of self-reliance, self-healing and energy awareness. Imagine what the trajectory of the human race would be if we simply prevent the diseases that are widely known to be preventable. This would pay off the financial deficits of most nations in financial crisis and reallocate funds for much more creative projects than wasting money medically intervening in preventable diseases.
You can be a part of this! Many of our graduates started with no former training. Some with former training, feel that the IIQTC certification assisted in assuring that their classes would be more successful.
• Are part of an international movement in human empowerment
• Learn and refine a wise array of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (Taiji) methods/forms
• Access focused curriculum in teaching skills
• Play a leadership role in the emerging wellness and integrative medicine revolution
• Develop an exciting new income stream
• Maximize personal wellbeing
• Feel the Qi
• And much more
Sign on to the email list at this link and when you are offered the opportunity to note your interests check the box marked – “Become an Integral Qigong and Tai Chi Teacher”. At this point you will receive timely and informative mail on the IIQTC’s frequent teleconferences for those with the interest of becoming a teacher/instructor. There are often compelling discounts on training for those who participate in this list.
Level One Training and other professional training options are registering now.
Besides professional training programs, the IIQTC, teaches public workshops at numerous retreat centers – Esalen, Omega and Kripalu Institutes — and at numerous conferences. Please see the calendar at http://IIQTC.org
We look forward to knowing you better!
Want to receive invitations and reminders on free information, free and fee webinars, events, public workshops, professional trainings, books, video programs and information on our graduates, affiliates, projects and the state of the art and the profession?
Latest information on the opportunities to teach and credentialing for Tai Chi and Qigong in the emerging wellness, mind-body practice, integrative medicine, non-pharmaceutical intervention & empowerment trend!
The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) has gained credibility and respect through training, research and its widening community of certified Tai Chi and Qigong teaching professionals in the fields of Mind-Body Practice, Wellness, Stress Mastery, Energy Medicine, Mindfulness in Movement, Moving Meditation, Integrative Medicine, Personal Life Balance and more . Many of these professionls generate their primary income through teaching and lecturing and have become regionally or even nationally recognized for their own thought leadership and contribution in the field.
This video (with nearly 7000 YouTube plays) is an excellent selection of impressions from a group of graduates of the IIQTC Teacher-Instructor Training Certification Program:
For more information on Training as a Teacher/Instructor or Practice Leader with the IIQTC, please see the previous Feel the Qi Blog Post – http://drjahnke.feeltheqi.com/2012/02/qigong-and-tai-chi-teachers-and-instructors-needed/
For more information about becoming a Tai Chi and Qigong Teacher:
Sign up for the Level 1 Webinar: https://healthaction.infusionsoft.com/app/page/become-teacher
Want to receive invitations and reminders on free information, free and fee webinars, events, public workshops, professional trainings, books, video programs and information on our graduates, affiliates, projects and the state of the art and the profession?
IIQTC Qigong and Tai Chi Information
Tai Chi Taiji Walking is probably the most profound and easy meditation there is – even for those who have some trouble walking. If you want, or perhaps need, a bridge to meditation, it is very possible that Tai Chi Walking could be that bridge.
FIRST — Very, very few people can attain a state of meditation just siting still. Sitting quiescently can be cultivated, however. Tai Chi Walking and other forms of Walking Qigong, are a powerful bridge for most of us to experience the benefits of meditation much, much more quickly.
SECOND – It is really easy.
THIRD – Even if you do it wrong, it is completely safe and effective as long as you simply pay attention and remain in your personal zone of comfort.
FORTH – this is actually the most exciting — meditation is a major tool for balancing the nervous system which is often functionally predisposed to the hyper-sympathetic state, which decreases immune function, triggers inflammatory syndromes and much more.
FIFTH – OK, this is the most important one — combining meditation with physical activity, is better than purely physical “Exercise is Medicine”, it is the emerging foundation of integrative medicine, mind body medicine, holistic health care, medical fitness, wellness, brain plasticity enhancement and disease prevention.
This little article is probably not going teach you Tai Chi (Taiji) Walking Meditation, though you may find it will do that too. It is intended to help the public — everyone everywhere in the world — to further understand the power of self-determination and self-reliance in sustaining wellbeing. Tai Chi Walking Meditation, because it is easy and it is pretty much impossible to do it harmfully (even if its not perfect), is a supreme and accessible Mind-Body Practice for soothing stress and maximizing function. There are two videos below from a gentleman at greenmountaintaichi.com, they are examples of the many versions and variations of Tai Chi Walking.
You may want to learn more about Tai Chi and Tai Chi Training: See Workshop and Training Calendar
The IIQTC Library – videos, keynotes, audio, sample chapters from Dr Jahnke’s books: http://IIQTC.org/member
When the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) published a review of the Qigong and Tai Chi literature in the American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP), the finding was that Qigong and Tai Chi are safe and effective for numerous diagnostic categories. In part this is because of the physical activity. In part it is the coordination of posture, breath and mind. And in part it is because, in addition to all other mechanisms that are triggered in Qigong and Tai Chi, the relaxation response is a key one of them. If you haven’t got a copy of the article please email info@IIQTC.org – title: A Comprehensive Review of the the Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi. See also http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20594090
This article which is referenced widely as “the evidence base” for Qigong and Tai Chi with implications for all meditative movement (MM) practices, demonstrates that Qigong and Tai Chi are effective in many disorders, including heart disease and neuro-psychological disorders — two of our society’s worst health challenges. Now, to actually do Tai Chi Walking, is very accessible and it is stylized and simple. To make it as powerful as it seems like it could be, let go of getting it right. Just fool around with it. The idea is to take a deep breath occasionally and to use the practice to relax — deeply.
You mare walking. but not really going anywhere. Being critical of your self or even trying to get it right are less useful than giving it a go – just do whatever comes. Better to relax and find a flow.
Many people do not easily track much written information about body movements. SO, YOU COULD JUST GO ON TO THE VIDEO CLIPS BELOW.
Give this a go though – read for fun — its good for brain plasticity. Do this practice with a slight bend in the knees — sink your body and relax your shoulders.
THERE ARE MANY VERSIONS. THE ILLUSTRATIONS HERE ARE NOT TO INTENDED TO GIVE EXACT INSTRUCTIONS. Instead the variety is here to point out that it doesn’t really matter how you do it.
WHAT MATTERS IS THE MOOD – Relax, Sink, Breath, Lengthen Your Spine – Flow.
Start with either foot forward and allow your body weight to shift onto that foot – it will proceed from carrying no weight (0%) to carrying 90% of the body weight. Then shift your weight back on to the back foot again — to 70% of weight (front 30%), lift the toes of the front foot and turn the body — torso, shoulders, leg and foot outward slightly (5-10%). Now shift weight forward again. Lower toes, shift the weight to the front leg, 100% weight, and then lift the back foot and step through. Repeat on the other side.
The illustration shows the left foot front, the repeat would have the right foot forward.
See another diagram of another version below the videos.
The intent is to repeat this for a while in a deep state of relaxation where you drift into a total focus on the present moment. It is a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness in motion. Meditation in motion. Moving Meditation.
Tai Chi Walking Meditation is the a key component of Tai Chi Easy – http://TaiChiEasy.org
ONE MORE EXAMPLE – VARIATION. OK, give it a go now. The examples, the illustrations, the video are only here to give insight. The practice is to relax, do not try, breath deeply now and then — flow. Go ahead and get up right now and try it. No space is too small. If you do so, relaxed, you will be making medicine within your own body & mind for no cost. What do you think! Tell us!
Many who have learned more regimented forms of Tai Chi Walking, find this very easy and a huge relief from trying to get it right. If you’ve never done this and want the greatest benefit, you will take on a deep state of acceptance in kind of Eastern Philosophical sort of way. The point isn’t to do something in a particular way. Instead i should be comfortable, fun and very relaxing.
Just fool around! Soon you will be producing the elixir within!
Want to receive invitations and reminders on free information, free and fee webinars, events, public workshops, professional trainings, books, video programs and information on our graduates, affiliates, projects and the state of the art and the profession?
Sign up for Free Tai Chi Easy Webinar – https://healthaction.infusionsoft.com/app/page/taichieasy-info
Feel Free To Call 805-617-3390. Join our email list and let us know you are interested in training as a Practice Leader: https://healthaction.infusionsoft.com/app/page/emailcaptureiiqtc
NEXT TRAINING EVENT – See Workshop and Training Calendar
Click here to see Tai Chi Easy: The Movie
Click here to meet graduates of the training.
Tai Chi Easy Practice Leader Training
Tai Chi, often referenced as the Mind-Body Wellness Practice of Chinese Medicine, is now fully and clearly researched. The evidence base has demonstrated that Tai Chi and its partner Qigong are safe and effective for preventing or improving a wide array of diseases – stress, PTSD, heart disease, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, diabetes, fatigue, insomnia. It appears that Tai Chi, especially when it is made accessible and easy, has a healing and rehabilitating effect on numerous internal, self-healing mechanisms.
Both Qigong and Tai Chi are based in what is called the Three Treasures — body practice, breath practice and mind practice. The research base has suggested that Tai Chi, especially accessible forms of Tai Chi, can influence brain chemistry, the immune system and even enhance gene function to effect greater longevity by supporting gene expression and extending cell replication.
WOW!! That is very inspiring!
At the IIQTC, we have been carefully exploring Tai Chi for decades, distilling the essence, creating an accessible point of entry, doing research and supporting the development of national policy that encourages physical activity and Mind-Body Practice.
Through this process around 2005 we put the final developmental touches on TAI CHI EASY. Since then we have trained nearly 1000 practice leaders work in schools,universities, faith institutions, hospitals, clinics, senior facilities, the military and Veterans Administration, social service agencies, fitness centers, spas, hotels, cruises and more!
TAI CHI EASY (TCE) is a unique approach to Tai Chi that is carefully crafted to honor the ancient principles, the traditional Chinese medical sciences as well as the desperate needs of the American medical system for accessible and inexpensive forms of Mind-Body Practice that can be done both in groups and by self-directed individuals.
The “evidence base” for Tai Chi continues to evolve, however, the original evidence base was published in 2010 in the American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20594090. The lead authors are affiliated with the IIQTC.If you would like a copy please write to:
Place – PLEASE SEND THE “EVIDENCE BASE ARTICLE – AJHP — in the subject line.
TCE that is an amazing and very accessible practice that is both gentle physical activity and easy to do meditation — there is actually an emerging literature on “Meditative Movement”.
• Asian Pacific Health Consortium – Los Angeles, CA
• National Wellness Institute – U of WI
• Health Authority of Western Nebraska – NE
• Southern Arkansas Council on Aging – AR
• Veterans Administration – Northport – NY
• University of AZ and Banner Health System – Phoenix AZ
• Social Service Agencies of Beauford Co. – Eastern South Carolina
• Catholic Community Services – Cleveland, OH
• Omega Institute, NY
• Esalen Institute, CA
• Kaiser Permanente
• Mayo Clinic
• National Council on Aging
• Veteran’s Administration
There are 1000s of smaller, more local or regional organizations
Consider Joining the IIQTC Email List: We send only occasional newsletters and announcements and you can un subscribe anytime. Here is that link:
IIQTC Qigong and Tai Chi Information
Hoping you have seen the article on Tai Chi Easy. If not take a peek here:
Tai Chi Easy: The Movie –
We are always working on video material — here are three brief and informative movies about Tai Chi Easy (TCE) and becoming a TCE Practice Leader. It is a very powerful personal experience and it sets you up to grow personally while you also, potentially, generate livelihood AND make major contributions to your community.
NEXT FREE WEBINAR – Become a Tai Chi Easy Practice Leader – Has passed. Call 805-617-3390.
NEXT TRAINING EVENT – See Workshop and Training Calendar
THIS VIDEO IS FROM A POWERFUL PRACTICE LEADER TRAINING AT THE ESALEN INSTITUTE – There are Practice Leader Trainings throughout the US on an annual basis. Contact us at the IIQTC for information.
THIS VIDEO IS FROM AN AMAZING TRAINING WE DID IN NEBRASKA – it is one of those completely false assumptions that all the important activity in health care transformation is happening on the east and west coasts.
THIS VIDEO IS FROM SOME OF THE PRACTICE LEADERS IN TRAINING — The IIQTC has trained 300 Tai Chi Easy Teachers and 600 Tai Chi Easy Practice Leaders who work in communities throughout the USA and internationally:
Consider Joining the IIQTC Email List: We send only occasional newsletters and announcements and you can un subscribe anytime. Here is that link:
IIQTC Qigong and Tai Chi Information